In a classroom setting, these lessons come more easily, as children communicate openly with one another and learn a bit about orating from their teachers. At home, the challenge of teaching public speaking is more pronounced.

Utilize YouTube

Most of us don’t see YouTube as a highly educational endeavor, yet there are plenty of videos that can help your children to learn public speaking skills. Seek out age-appropriate Ted Talks, children’s authors doing public readings, and simple tip videos on public speaking. Rather than simply telling your children how to orate publically, show them. Often times children respond better to visual learning aids, as these can help them to not only orate but to practice proper body language while speaking.

Utilize Text to Voice Technology 

One thing that can help children immensely is hearing words read aloud, specifically speeches or other types of online content. Text to voice technology allows you to input any text into the platform and have it converted to a natural-sounding audio file. Text to voice allows you to use customizable voices, languages, and dialects. Not only is this great for reading comprehension and literacy in children, but it allows them to pick up on how words are used in conveyed out loud. Most texts to voice technologies is free and easy to use, making them a great tool for homeschooling students on a budget.

Bust Out The Camera

Another great way to teach public speaking to homeschool children is to bust out the camera and capture their speaking on video. This isn’t meant to be humiliating or embarrassing. In fact, you should tape yourself right along with your child. Simply take a short video of you or your child reading or talking on camera. Afterward, watch the video back together and discuss what seemed good and what seemed bad. Make it fun and let them know that is okay to feel uneasy while public speaking. No one is perfect the first time and practice makes perfect.

Keep Kids Engaged on Zoom

Nothing hinders communication more than simply not communicating. While you might think the back and forth conversations you have with your children are enough, they may be lacking. Kids need to engage with children their own age. While this isn’t necessarily possible in the age of social distancing and school shut-downs, technology is here to help. Whether you use Zoom, Skype, or even Google Hangouts, there are plenty of ways to have virtual playdates or friend meetings online. Kids may be silly while speaking to their friends and the content may veer from educational, but they are learning to communicate and speaking openly with their own friends.

Read, Read, Read

You might not think that a good way to teach public speaking while homeschooling is to read. In reality, strong readers make better orators. The more comfortable children feel with literacy and language, the more confidence they will have reading words aloud. Struggling readers often fear public speaking. They are afraid of making a misstep or saying a word wrong while all eyes are upon them. With the confidence of strong language skills, they can focus more on their delivery and less on the fear of making a mistake. At the end of the day, simply reading with your child as much as you can is a great way to teach public speaking.

The Takeaway

Teaching public speaking while homeschooling is full of challenges, yet those challenges can easily be overcome with a few strategic tips. Utilize text-to-speech, read to your child, watch public speaking engagements online, and practice until confidence soars!

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