If you want a small-sized iPhone, you will have to settle for the SE range, or pick the smaller variant of the vanilla iPhone 14 model, which will come in 6.1 and 6.7 inches sizes this year. 6.1 inches isn’t bad at all, especially with thin bezels all round.

Why is Apple getting rid of the iPhone Mini?

In simple terms: the numbers are not adding up . It is not making enough money for it to be worth the effort. The iPhone 13 mini is currently making up about 3% of Apple’s smartphone sales [1]. It is a drastic drop from the iPhone 12 Mini’s already poor sales. If the numbers are anything to go by, many consumers have voted for larger screen size by refusing to buy the iPhone mini. It isn’t just a phenomenon in one country; the pattern is global. Whether it is in the United States, Canada, Nigeria, South Africa, or Australia, the iPhone mini is not doing the kind of numbers to make it worth developing, and so Apple has made the decision to drop it.

Answers to your questions

References Consumer Research Intelligence Partners (CIRP) email report.

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