In this article, we are going to consider different types of leadership and share a number of recommendations on how to manage staff successfully. If you want to learn what traits will make you a real leader and how to master these traits in order to hold the position for long?

Types of leadership styles

We can distinguish between several types of leadership. Each of them has certain peculiarities. Proceed the reading and get to know all the essential nuances.

Transactional leadership

Such an approach is based on the change of two actions: praise and punishment. It is also called a carrot-and-stick method. Though it can be quite acceptable for minor tasks, it decreases the chances to reveal the creative potential of employees.

Transformational leadership

This authority style will let you encourage people through motivation and effective communication with them. Upon following it, you have to ensure you have prepared a list of weekly and monthly tasks for your colleagues and informed them about the essential details on how to complete them.

Autocratic leadership

This management style presupposes full control over employees and what is happening in the company. This strategy helps to improve discipline and make a working process better organized. Yet, it blocks any sort of creativity, personal vision, and initiative coming from people. In fact, it is more suitable for military institutions.

Servant leadership

It focuses on teamwork, delegating authorities, and corporate decision-making. On the other hand, such leaders don’t have enough power and tend to concentrate more on employees than on business goals.

Democratic leadership

This strategy presupposes that a manager takes into account the opinion of other colleagues when making decisions. A significant disadvantage of this style is that it may create obstacles when you need to arrange things quickly.

Laissez-faire leadership

The following kind of leading means little-or-no interference into the working process. In other words, employees can do what they consider to be right. However, we should say such an approach can be effective only for companies that are involved in creative activities.

Charismatic leadership

It is based on the personal image of a manager, his or her positive traits, and the ability to influence other people. Yet, it can be not so efficient, as it often creates a sense of emptiness when a leader is away.

Cross-cultural leadership

Usually, this type is common for companies where the working environment consists of several cultures at once. If you are a leader in a multinational enterprise, you have to be flexible and to keep the peculiarities of the national mentality of employees who are from other countries than yours in mind.

Situational leadership

By following it, you can shift from one leadership style to another depending on the circumstances. For example, you can apply democratic leadership when discussing a new project with colleagues, but switch to a transformational strategy when you need to motivate employees if you want to increase the productivity of their work.

Strategic leadership

This one takes into account the concerns of subordinates and assures suitable working conditions for them. It also analyzes the chances of a company to expand and make a profit. Because of this, it has good practical results. It is clear that each of the styles has its advantages and can be effective according to the type of the company and its business goals. Thus, to better understand which kind of suits you better, you have to dedicate enough time to study each style to the fullest.

What makes a good leader

According to Jordan Daikyn, “Being a great leader encourages the development of new leaders by hiring the right people with similar attributes.” Yet, how to become a successful manager? These simple tips may help you achieve it:

Be a model to follow

Good leaders act the way they expect other people to act. It has been well-said – all the world loves a lover.

Motivate people

This is a great solution to make employees reveal their potential and skills in the best way.

Praise achievements

It is a good idea to show your colleagues their work and achievements are important for you. Thus, say a couple of encouraging words to show you appreciate what they do.

Communicate effectively

Be a good listener and find favorable solutions for both parties—you, your partners, and colleagues. Be honest in everything you do. It will help not only to find a common language but reach a better understanding with other people.

Encourage creativity

Introduce a goal and let your subordinates choose the best way to reach it. This may help in finding the most suitable solution for any task you have to complete.

Practice a personal approach.

Nobody likes to be just a part of a system where you are nothing special and all your reactions are too typical. Therefore, show your employees that they are really important to you and to your company. Treat them in a friendly way, and offer help and support when it is necessary.


It is not a problem that, with the analysis of your leadership style, you come across some weaknesses in it, but in this case, it is very important not to give up. You have to pull yourself together and funnel your energy as well as power towards improving your leadership practices. By following pieces of advice we have given in this article, you will quickly become a better manager and improve your leadership skills with ease! Meanwhile, if you need help with your business assignments, you can use quality essay writing services such as CustomWritings. By the way, we wish you much patience. Mind that care and diligence bring luck!

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