If you are not using it wisely and responsibly, this article will also give you pointers to help you do so. As someone has said, social media platforms do not come with a user’s manual. While it is pretty simple for people to find their way around the various platforms, be it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any of teh others, what is not often taught is how to be circumspect with information. The first thing to note is that once you are on a social media platform, you do not really have 100% privacy any more. Those apps monitor you – your location especially. It is also safe that like some other apps, they have access to private info like your Contacts, as well as contents of your SMS and email messages. Yes; those too. Yes; your shiny new Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy phone, and indeed almost any modern smartphone, hands over your information to social media apps all the time. It doesn’t matter whether you prefer TECNO phones, Nokia phones, or Huawei phones, all phone brands are culprits in this matter. Also, once you are online, you have a digital footprint that can be traced by anyone who has the motivation and the resources to dig into you. So, in signing up for any social media platform, you have already given up some privacy. You are in public view already. What you want to avoid though is giving out too much personal/private information, or sensitive information. Even if someone would be digging into your profile, give them work to do while they are at it. It is never a bad idea to make it a little bit difficult for people to get to you. That is why we lock our car and house doors – it doesn’t provide 100% protection, but it is good sense. Let me share a quick example with you. Recently, I built a fairly detailed profile of a Twitter handle user just by going through their tweets. What did I find on him? The Twitter handle uses an alias, but the profile I built included: his full name, 2 bank accounts, 2 phone numbers- including one for whatsapp, location of residence, location of office, and personal email address I got all these in less than 10 minutes without searching hard. You might think you are anonymous because you don’t use your real name. Chances are that if you tweet certain information about yourself, you aren’t. Just imagine how much more information that would be found on this person by someone who was actually searching hard. Hopefully, the above story paints a fairly good picture of what I am trying to pass across to you. It can be more complicated though. Let’s get into the practical ways to use social media wisely.

13 Tips To Use Social Media Wisely

The key to using social media wisely is to be mindful. That means you be aware of the implications of what you do. Social media is a great tool in today’s digital age. Should you be active there? I believe so: everyone stands to gain froma  social media presence. Just do not get carried away and think that you are only sharing your thoughts when you post info. Many times, your thoughts and ideologies give away tons of informatyion about you. Use social media wisely.

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