Among these guidelines is social distancing. Since it has not been customary to stay far away from others or operate remotely, social distancing has deprived most people of sharing openly without restrictions. However, since no one needs not contract the deadly disease, we must keep sage and keenly observe the directives from the ministry of health and government other parastatals. However, do we stay idle in those remote areas? The following are some of the everyday activities you should try while social distancing. Are you set to know some of them? Let 123Homework set the ball rolling.

Video chatting with friends

Regardless of the crucial protocols that distance us from our friends and perhaps family, we can still virtually reach out to them thanks to technology. Many video chatting platforms permit us to reach out to others regardless of the location. If you feel you miss someone close to you, you can always consider some of the best video chatting applications such as Hangouts, Skype, among others, and have fun in your remote areas.

Play games online

The online platforms boast a wide range of games you can play. Do not stay in your room bored all day long. You can have fun right from your room by trying several applications on online platforms. Besides, other media or applications support playing games with friends. All you need is perhaps sharing a common channel where your friends can join and take part in the online game. It is one of the fascinating activities you can always consider when you feel so lonely in a room during this period of a health crisis.

Prepare an online book club

Do you know you can meet your friends online and read or rather discuss together? During a period full of restrictions, you can always consider preparing book sessions on online platforms and inviting friends to join the reading session. A better approach is to go into online stores and try to establish a suitable book that you can read with friends for some days. In this case, a better platform to find books is Kindle. You can also explore Google Play Books for some of these books and read them within your room.

Prepare a watch party

You do not need to get bored while you can explore a wide range of movies from online platforms. There are varieties of movies you can watch. For instance, you can always consider educational films and watch them with your peers, friends at school or even the family. You can also prepare a watch party to watch some of the favorite Youtubers.

Online volunteering

there are many volunteer opportunities online, and therefore, it would help if you consider them rather than staying idle. Some of the everyday activities you can perform on most volunteer platforms include writing stories, designing campaigns, etc.

Learn playing some musical instrument

Usually, music is the healer of the soul in times of trouble and loneliness. It is, therefore, crucial to consider a new instrument to learn it physically or from online musical platforms. There are also related courses on Youtube and other social media platforms.

Consider adult coloring books.

Many adult coloring books can keep you busy all day long. Such an approach helps you handle stress and anxiety effectively. A more straightforward process is to print several color papers from the coloring books and enjoy your time at a low cost,


The above activities will keep you busy regardless of your locality, especially during this long season of COVID-19. Try some of them and beat boredom right from within your room.