This article is a guide for users who want to measure the success of their Instagram stories. It comprises 5 metrics that will enable you to compare the success of your stories against certain predefined benchmarks. Take advantage of these tips and get a wider reach on Instagram. The cut-throat competition will never daunt you. Get ready to gain popularity without spending any bucks. Read the complete article and be a social media star.

Completion rate metric

This metric represents the percentage of people that you actually watch or tap through your content. This includes the photos or videos (slides). This factor will enable you to find out the frequency of your posts and the suitability of content for your audience. There is a simple way to calculate this metric. For that, you should divide the total number of viewers of your last Instagram story slide by the number of people who saw the first slide. You can even upload complete series with the help of batch-upload that will save your time and effort. This metric is highly fruitful for the long run and will determine your engagement and growth. For best results, you can develop content that is a blend of different things.

Number of people who drop off after First Instagram Story Slide

The same goes for Instagram posts. Drop off rate determines the number of users that did not wish to continue watching your story after the first slide. Like the former one, it has a standard method of calculation. Take out the difference in the number of users on your first slide and second slide. After that, you need to divide that number by the reach of the first slide. Get ready to create a benchmark for improving your retention rate and gain popularity on Instagram.

In the middle of something

This point emphasizes the people who drop off in the middle of your story. These are people who depict irregular interest. They may not be frequent and may show interest but cannot engage themselves for a long time. If you understand this metric and make the necessary changes, you can gain popularity on Instagram. This portrays the percentage of people who exited your Instagram story before completely viewing it. If you want to calculate this metric, just subtract the number of people reached on your first slide from the number of people reached on the last slide. Finally, divide the resultant figure by the score of people that reached on the first slide. We recommend you create a mixture of multimedia content to grab the attention of your fan base. This media mix may comprise videos, images, animated text, stickers, polls, etc. for increased engagement. Go further down the road to uncover insights into your audience’s tastes and preferences.

People who Exit the Instagram Story Feed

This section deals with the exit rate of your account’s story. This directly implies the people who have swiped down your story or clicked/tapped the X (Cross) button. According to digital marketing experts, this metric is extremely crucial as it highlights the deliberate action of your audience base. You can then alter your approach or replace it with something more attractive and engaging.

People’s actions on your story

As the name suggests, this parameter is used to measure the actions people took while engaging with your story. These actions include shares, replies, profile visits, website clicks, sticker taps amongst others. This point should be taken seriously if you want to gain popularity on Instagram. In case you operate an Instagram business account that has more than 10,000 followers, the Swipe-Up feature will come in handy. This metric is extremely vital as it will provide you with a wider reach on Instagram.


Hope you enjoyed reading this article? Don’t wait. Go ahead and make the change you seek in social media. Incorporate these five metrics to maximize your reach on Instagram and outshine the competition. All the best for your social media journey.

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