Most of us spent our time online 🤳. Have you ever thought about online 🤔privacy? It’s very important, Right? Ever felt anything like it you are under surveillance of someone? This organization alliance of government-linked to surveillance across the globe inclusion of an unconstitutional collection of data of their own citizens. Though this organization started back in the 1940s, becoming more prominent now. So, if you are so curious to know what are these 5 eyes, 9 eyes, and 14 eyes Alliances? What they will do? Are they a threat to your privacy?, everything I will discuss here in detail? ⏳  Short in time? Here is a quick guide for you: These 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes, and 14 Eyes refer to countries that have signed the agreement accepting to share the sensitive information of their citizens through intelligence surveillance systems. As today internet is the most form of communication, your privacy is at risk if you are using the internet. To keep yourself safe you need to use NordVPN which is not based on these countries. So no one can track your online activities & your identity.

Journey of 5 Eyes

5 eyes started back in the year 1940s, uniting the United States and United Kingdom to an agreement called UKUSA. This agreement enables the USA and UK to exchange information between countries. Later other countries like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand joined hands with this agreement making this 5 eyes. While the main purpose of this agreement is to build a framework for sharing information signals intelligence data among the signed countries.

US UK Canada New Zealand Australia

What does this Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) mean?. Now, this means two terms

Communication Intelligence (COMINT): Voice communications such as telephone calls, text messages, emails, etc. Electronic Intelligence (ELINT): Electronic sensors to capture the signals from radars or surface missile systems

Every country in 5 eyes has its own intelligence system like NSA (US) or GCHQ (UK) will spy on people to gather mass signal information in various parts of the world to share among them. Initially, these 5 eyes objective is to monitor soviet union communication. For that, they have developed a system called ECHELON. ECHELON is capable of monitoring the communication of billions of citizens worldwide. But, the public is aware of this monitoring system in the 90s resulting in some outrage within Europe and the USA. Monitoring practices are on high during times of war and Terrors. When the internet is raising at that point which shited this surveillance over to it. Because most of the communication used to take place on the internet.

Expansion of 5 Eyes to 9 Eyes

Over time, the 5 eyes alliance wanted to include other countries too in their agreement. Which helps in widening their network to share more sensitive information between them. This includes communication between citizens and organizations.

Norway Netherlands France Denmark

These four countries joined hands with 5 Eyes. It is witnessed that cooperation between these countries is less intense compared to 5 Eyes. Finally, there is also 14 eyes alliance.

14 Eyes Establishment

Along with 9 Eyes, some other countries like Germany, Spain, Sweden, Belgium, and Italy joined with a goal to obtain the information and to share it with others if necessary.

Belgium Germany Italy Spain Sweden

These five countries along with 9 Eyes are 14 Eyes. These 14 Eyes countries will share sensitive information with each other without any trouble and not as strict as 9 Eyes. But this information even reaches citizens. Also, there are third-party contributors, countries that share & receive information from Eye groups. But, they have fewer rights and responsibilities.

How these Eyes Groups are threats to your Privacy?

These Eye alliances fully covered the globe with their surveillance. It is still unclear that how much these intelligence agency countries know about you. But, Snowden’s leak proved that all your online activities, conversations over call, and other sensitive information are being analyzed. For instance, ECHELON can use satellite communication to intercept your private communication, which will be stored later and analyzed. Meanwhile, PRISM will collect US citizen’s data from companies like Facebook and Google. Five Eyes released a statement back in 2018 forcing tech companies to provide a backdoor for end-to-end encryption. The hard thing to digest is Australia did create a backdoor if the user data is encrypted. Though other nations now followed Australia’s path, they expressed their own intentions. As more and more communication is taking place over the internet, your online privacy is at risk. Concepts & Projects from Eyes groups will invade your privacy. A government has the right to invade your private information without your permission. So, it’s become impossible to use the complete potential of the internet. Meanwhile, also there are some hackers who try to steal your information by phishing the sites or when you click on ads. While the government is spying on you on the other side.

How to Protect yourself Against Eye Group Surveillance

To protect your privacy against this Surveillance, the only way is to use a good VPN. VPN is the only effective way to hide your data traffic from these spies and keep you anonymous. When you connect to a VPN server, your IP Address will get changes to VPN Servers IP Address. If you don’t use a VPN, others can easily know your presence and link your actions to your identity, location, IP Address. But, when you connect to a VPN all your online activities will be stored in VPN servers. Here is our guide, What is a VPN. If you don’t know anything about VPN?

Governments (US & UK) Forcing VPNs to share users data

VPNs that are based in the US and UK are forced to collect and share the user’s data with law enforcement. This means you might be unaware of the threat to your privacy till it’s late. Here I am mentioning some VPNs based on 5 Eyes.

IPVansih (US Based) Riseup (US Based) Private Internet Access (US Based) Windscribe (US Based) HideMyAss (Uk Based)

How Data is Shared Among 5 Eyes

So, let’s imagine if you are using a HideMyAss VPN service based in the UK. VPN Providers will collect the user’s data and share it with the UK government when necessary. But, the problem didn’t start yet.Due to UKUSA Agreement, the UK government will hand over your sensitive information to the intelligence agencies in the US, Australia, Canada, or some country in 5 Eyes. Note:– When you are using a VPN make sure that you are not using any VPN which is based on Eye Group countries. This way you can clearly ensure that, use a VPN provider can’t disclose anything to the government. Some of the Premium VPNs such as NordVPN are not subjected to eye group surveillance.

1.NordVPN: Best VPN for Privacy

NordVPN is one of the best VPN as it offers high-grade security. There will be no DNS/IPv6 leaks. If you are someone who needs more security this one also offers Onion over VPN. You will also get six simultaneous connections per subscription along with Netflix streaming ability. Also, they are offering 30 days of the money-back guarantee program. So you can try this without any risk. So, if you don’t like the app then you will get your full refund within 5 days. And if you need a VPN for 1-2 weeks only then can try NordVPN for free using its money-back program.

Overview of 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes and 14 Eyes Countries


These 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes, and 14 Eyes are gigantic western alliance involve in exchanging information. As a result, your government might share your information with the rest of the countries. Therefore, using a VPN will improve your online privacy will be a good idea. A better VPN like NordVPN can ensure that no agency can spy on your traffic and your identity. Sometimes, you might think you have nothing to hide, but many eyes are watching over you for your information.

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