The safest way to use discord is to only accept friend requests from people you know and participate in private servers with people you already know. This app also became popular since various games such as Fortnite use the servers to communicate. Moreover, discord can also track the games you play without a choice. The disadvantage of using Discord is that one can get your IP address without your knowledge. Hence, here are some ways to get someone’s IP from discord:

1: Discord IP Grabber

The first step is to download the discord app and install it accordingly. You are then supposed to use the Discord IP grabber. It is a python file that can send the target users’ IP, country, city, and other details over the Discord network. Discord IP grabber grabs a user’s IP and Discord Tag after visiting a web page using Discords oauth2. Here are the steps to use: Step 1: Go to the discord developers site using the site.

Step 2: Press “New Application” and name it however you want.

Step 3: Go to OAuth2 and add your Redirect URL.

Step 4: Copy the Client ID and the Client Secret and enter them in the .php file.

Step 5: You should make sure to create a new file called logs.txt in the same directory.

2: Discord IP Resolver

Step 1: First, download and install the discord app accordingly.

Step 2:  After opening the app, click the settings option in the left corner to open “develop mode” in appearance.

Step 3: The next step is to select Person in the Discord panel, right-click then copy ID.

Step 4: Then open the website Discord IP resolver and paste your copied ID into it.

Step 5: This will help you to get relevant details on someone’s IP from the Discord app.

Note: You can only look up the respective person’s IP address from that site when users are online

Step 1: Find an interesting video or image online and copy its URL.

Step 2: Open the IP blogger website and paste the link you copied. Then click the option “shorten “to produce short links.

Step 3: You are then supposed to open the generated short links and send them to users on Discord so that they can click the links and open them. Through that, you will be able to see the people who clicked on the respective links and their IP addresses will be recorded.

This method can also be used on people in the following platforms: Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, Skype, and Steam. You can therefore refresh the page where the IP addresses are recorded and use it wherever you want but do not do any illegal stuff.  You can also find out the person’s location using the IP address displayed on the IP blogger of those who clicked on your links.


These methods will help you to easily look up a user’s IP address from Discord. However, please be humane and consider the respective person and not use the IP to do illegal stuff. It is recommended to protect their privacy. If you also want to protect your IP address, use an efficient VPN service. A VPN which is Virtual Private Network allows you to create a secure connection to another network over the internet. While using a VPN, your web traffic and IP address cannot be tracked. The application is safe from hackers, but as a user, you are not guaranteed safety from hackers. The best way is to avoid opening links or any documents that may lead you outside of discord. Also, you should not add strange bots and most importantly do not give out any of your personal information.

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