On numerous occasions, Manga series is published into Japanese cartoons or anime and can also be loosely translated as ‘humorous pictures’. This style of publication really took off in the 20th century when various laws forbidding its publication were lifted.  Since then, it has contributed and become a massive part of the Japanese culture, emerging as one of the most read comics, not only in Japan but globally. In reference to several, if not all kinds of Japanese cartoons, comics and anime ‘Manga’ is comprised of two entities; “Man” means a playful, fanciful and spontaneous And “ga” meaning drawing, sketch, artwork or an artist’s impression. Using historical references, there could be numerous examples illustrating a unique style used in the publication of Japanese Manga, since its inception. However, outside Japan, Manga can refer to comics only, while ‘anime’ refers and covers several kinds of cartoons and animated comics. Therefore, and not always anime is the animated version of Manga.

Manga’s History

During the Second World War, The United states invaded and occupied Japan, bringing with them a couple of foreign ideas and culture. However, this did not sit well with the Japanese way of life and culture and marked an important milestone in the development of Manga. Americans brought their own comics and cartoons like the Mickey Mouse to the country, but the Japanese artists strictly followed their own deep rooted Manga culture. In an effort to dominate and seek an audience for their artwork, the Japanese actually evolved and morphed into publicizing their content in magazines or newspapers carrying a collection of several series which would be available weekly or monthly. Among the most successful artists who kept the Manga phenomenon alive were Osamo Tezuka, who created the famous ‘Astro Boy’ and  Machiko Hagesawa, also known as the ‘god’ of Manga and a godfather of anime. As one discovers this outstanding deep Japanese culture, there are many features that make Manga clear-cut. Noticeably, Manga characters have large eyes, relatively small mouths, abnormal or a freakish hair style. The characters also exhibit weird and over emphasize their emotions. For example, a Manga character may cry while pouring huge abnormal tears or when a character laughs, the expression conveyed is as if the face is covered by the size of the mouth.

Manga vs. Anime and the Format

Strictly following the Japanese tradition, Manga is read from the right side to the left. Texts and descriptions are also set to be read in the same way. This is quite opposite from the format one would find in the Native American comic books. During publication, Manga is normally assembled in small Manga volumes or a larger volume if popular that boasts of rich diversity in the various genre. For example; As opposed to American comics which target a young audience, Manga is a comic for everyone regardless of the age bracket, gender and preference. It is worth noting that there have been many efforts to have Manga have an American look and ‘feel’ just like the American Comic books but this is something that Manga artists have opposed, as they seek to preserve their rich, unique culture both at home and abroad. In this regard, the Manga audience and the fans have been to ensure that Manga produced elsewhere, like in the United States is in the traditional Japanese style.

Categories and Types of Manga

Due to the large audience and a huge readers’ base, Manga has an established a marketing strategy, to cater for everyone, whether as the ardent fan or whether you are ‘new’ to the world of Manga. The brief classification below could help you choose exactly what you need.

1. Shonen (Pronounced show-nen)

This is Manga aimed for the boys. In this classification the comics are packed with action, adventure fights, sports, technology, romance and at times sexuality.

2. Shojo (Pronounced as show-joe)

This is Manga aimed for the girls. Topics covered in these comics include some content from shonen but with a different taste like romance, super heroines and relationships. Further classification include Josei(pronounced joe-say) a Manga for Women

  1. Yoji, For children aged 1-4 years,
  2. Kodomo, for kids learning to how to read.

A list of 25 Working Manga Websites – Free Of Charge

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